What Shad programs are running in 2025?

Shad2025 has two program experiences: ShadOnCampus (live-in) and ShadAnywhere (digital).

The ShadOnCampus (live-in) program also has Shad Unplugged and Shad A+ program options.

What are the dates for the Shad2025 program? 

ShadOnCampus: June 29 – July 25, 2025 (24 hrs/day, 7 days a week)

ShadAnywhere: June 30 – July 25, 2025 (Monday – Friday only, 11 am – 5 pm ET)

Who can apply? 

High School students currently completing Grade 10, 11 (Secondaire IV, V in Quebec). We are looking for students who are community-minded, creative, engaged, curious and want to make an impact in Canada and the world. 

When is the application due? 

The deadline is December 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern time.

How do you apply to the Shad program? 

Students complete an online application

Note:  Admission into the Shad program is competitive, therefore applicants need to put their best effort forward when completing the application. 

To request application accommodations such as needing application material in an alternate format for students with disabilities or students in remote areas please contact Michelle@shad.ca

What types of things are asked on the Application Form? 

Applicants complete a profile, answer questions, upload their most recent report card, and provide a reference contact. 

For more application details, click here.  

For more reference details, click here.

What criteria is considered in the selection process? 

Applicants are assessed on several factors highlighting their unique talents and contributions. Factors such as overall excellence, extracurricular involvement (i.e. volunteerism, part-time work, family care responsibilities), creativity, reflection and commitment in making the world a better place.  

What is the minimum academic average that is needed to apply? 

Applicants should demonstrate academic excellence but there is no “cut-off’ average for applying.  

Does a school need to nominate applicants? 

No, we do not require a school nomination for a student to be eligible to apply.  

When will students know if they have been selected to attend the program? 

All applicants will be informed of their status (accepted, declined) in February 2025. Decisions around financial assistance will be communicated at the same time. 

How much does the Shad2025 program cost? 

Learn more about Shad’s program fee, financial assistance, scholarships and more.

Is financial assistance available to assist with program fees? 

Yes! Shad offers financial support to cover full and partial program fees. Every year we provide over $1.5 Million in financial assistance for families. Every application includes a parent contact section so they can consider financial assistance opportunities.

Visit our scholarship page for additional opportunities as well.

Do I pay the program fee all at once? 

No. When an offer is made, applicants submit a $750 deposit to secure their spot in the program.  The remaining balance is made in two separate instalments. 

What campuses offer the Shad2025 program? 

ShadOnCampus is hosted at our carefully selected post-secondary campuses and ShadAnywhere is powered by Athabasca University.

Learn more about ShadOnCampus and ShadAnywhere and our two program options – Shad Unplugged and Shad A+.

What campuses will be hosting Shad A+ and Shad Unplugged?

The number and locations of Shad campuses offering Shad A+ and Shad Unplugged will be determined by the demand from accepted applicants.

Can students leave the ShadOnCampus program to attend another event?

No. Shad participants must commit to attending the entire duration of the program.

What should I do if I require accommodation under Human Rights legislation? 

Students who require accommodations related to disabilities, cultural/religious practices, or any other human rights protected ground should contact Shad Canada as early as possible to discuss their accommodation needs and to ensure Shad Canada can meet their needs. Careful consideration should be made prior to accepting the offer to participate. 

Requests can be sent to info@shad.ca 

How are students supervised throughout the program? 

The safety of participants is paramount, and Shad Canada has stringent risk management policies and best practices in place to minimize such risk. Rules and personal responsibilities are also enforced to ensure that all members of our Shad campus communities enjoy a safe and rewarding experience. 

Who delivers the campus programs? 

Well-qualified team members work hard to ensure that all aspects of the experience – academic, logistical and social – meet or exceed expectations. 

Many of these dedicated team members are top-rated university professors.  Volunteers from all areas of the university and business community also add to the mix to create a dynamic experience.  All team members and volunteers subscribe to the highest code of conduct as defined and maintained by Shad Canada. 

Can Shad count for high school course credit? 

Shad can be used as an elective credit for participants from Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. The Shad experience can also qualify for the creativity aspect of the International Baccalaureate credit and ShadAnywhere participants have the opportunity to earn micro credits. 

Is the Shad program fee tax deductible? 

The Shad program fee is NOT tax deductible. 

Any other questions? 

For questions not covered here, please contact info@shad.ca for your request.