Four Shads are recognized for their community influence
Chinemerem Chigbo, David Chung, Jocelyne Murphy, and Nicholas Rampertab have been awarded the TD Scholarship for Community Leadership, an esteemed $70K investment for these changemaking grade 12 students pursuing an undergraduate degree. They have all demonstrated the ability to create meaningful development within their own communities.
Chinemerem decided to create a boys’ mental health group, The Heads-up Guys club, in his school after the death of a close friend. David Chung developed Foundations of Finance, a youth-led program to improve teenagers’ financial knowledge. Jocelyne Murphy’s youth-led leadership and community development program educated teens about volunteering and fundraising and coached them through a grant-making process. Nicholas Rampertab launched the Best Buddies Robotics program at school, helping marginalized students, including those with developmental disabilities, discover opportunities in STEM.
Click one of the photos below to learn more about these inspiring pioneers, as they reflect on their time at Shad and their plans to contribute to a brighter future: