Shad and FIRST Robotics Canada
Shad welcomes FIRST Robotics Canada (FRC) students, Tasnia Rahman and Hunter McCullagh, with $5,700 scholarships to attend Shad2019. These students are go-getters on and off the FRC-field, and dream of using their STEAM-knowledge as force for good by making a lasting impact on the world.
Learn more about Tasnia and Hunter including who plays bagpipes in their spare time.

Tasnia Rahman
FIRST Robotics Team 3739
Shad York 2019
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself:
A: My name is Tasnia Rahman. I am a grade 10 student of Oakridge Secondary School in London, Ontario. I live with my parents and my younger brother. I enjoy embarking on new adventures and gaining new experiences. Furthermore, I am an avid reader of mysteries and fantasy. In my spare time, I am often likely to be found hanging out with my friends and family or listening to old-fashioned music.
Q: How did you get involved in robotics?
A: Earlier this year, I joined FRC team 3739 – Oakbotics with the aspiration to explore the fields of practical application in terms of STEM (as I acutely lacked exposure in the area). At the same time, I hoped to achieve clarity and a sense of direction regarding my future
Q: What are your long term goals?
A: I wish to reach a position from which I can aid as many people in need as possible. At the same time, I want to dedicate my time towards intellectual pursuits such as scientific research. In order to combine my two prime goals in life, I want to study biotechnology during my post-secondary education (specifically genetic engineering) to find solutions to environmental and/or healthcare issues. Moreover, fulfilling responsibilities towards my religion and family are two of my key values, both of which motivate me to become a better human being than my current self. Hence, I hope to live a fulfilling life in the pursuit of my goals while staying true to these values.
Q: Why Shad? What are you most excited for?
A: I chose Shad because the motto of the program resonates with my future aspirations. I dream of making my contribution towards ameliorating the world everyday and Shad has the potential of carrying me a step closer to my dream.
I am excited to interact with, and be in the proximity of other young enthusiasts who have similar goals as me. I believe that my stay with Shad will provide me with an endless pool of resources to draw inspiration from, for the duration of the rest of my life.
Q: Have you ever been away from home for 27 days before?
A: No, I have not; the longest period of time that I was away from home had been less than a week. Shad, therefore, is likely to be a very refreshing experience for me. In fact, I was partially motivated to apply to Shad due to this very reason; as I am aware that being away from my familiar surroundings will provide me with a renewed perspective and enable me to expand my horizons so that I emerge as a stronger human being.
Q: Most Shads aspire to make a change in this world. If you could have one lasting impact, what would it be?
A: I have spent the larger part of my life in a country of millions confined within a small landmass; where a substantial portion of the population are regularly plagued by natural disasters while living in poverty. Despite all these struggles, my beautiful country of origin is known for its hospitality and kindness, as it has provided shelter to a million refugees even though it is the most densely populated nation on earth.
On the other side of the spectrum, there is Canada, a country which is the global symbol of diversity and inclusion. The short duration of my life that I have spent here has contributed to my growth as a human being immeasurably.
The disparities and resemblances between these two nations have opened my eyes to the numerous ways in which the world population is suffering and to the possible ways to solve those issues.
If I could make a singular lasting impact, I would create a world without boundaries where human beings could help and inspire one another without any restraints. I envision a world where a unified council would govern the entire population of the earth so that all human beings receive the same treatment, because equity and inclusion may be our only hopes in putting a permanent stop to the worldly plight.

Hunter McCullagh
FIRST Robotics Team 6461
Shad Mount Allison 2019
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself:
A: My name is Hunter McCullagh, I’m in grade 11 and I come from Wingham, Ontario. I am part of FRC Team 6461 – Iron Stallions. I have a wide variety of passions that include robotics, playing multiple instruments including the bagpipes and the trombone, swimming, and kayaking. I love to learn, try new things and have fun no matter the environment. Whether it’s in the computer lab, out in nature, in the shop, or on the lake. I try my best to have fun and learn as much as I can wherever I go.
Q: How did you get involved in robotics?
A: My computer science teacher explained to me what the FRC is, and all of it’s amazing aspects. I’ve been hooked on robotics since my first time coming out to help build a robot. Since then, I’ve stepped up to every challenge from programming, to building, and even fundraising.
Q: What are your long term goals?
A: My long term goals are to become a mechatronics engineer, as well as help build and design robots to help advance the world.
Q: Why Shad? What are you most excited for?
A: Ever since I’ve heard of Shad, I have liked the idea of being immersed in a community of students who want to make an impact in the STEM fields just like me. I am most excited for making so many new friends that want to pursue careers that will change the world.
Q: Have you ever been away from home for 27 days before?
A: I have never been away from home for for 27 days before, so this will be a nice life changing experience as well as an insight to what life in university will be like.
Q: Most Shads aspire to make a change in this world. If you could have one lasting impact, what would it be?
A: If I could have one lasting impact in this world it would be to help build and design a robot that is able to make a lasting positive impact in the world.