Celebrating the Shad alum named 2024 Schulich Leaders – Krishiv Panchal
Q: How does it feel to be named a Schulich Leader?
I describe what it feels like to be named a Schulich Leader in one word: gratitude. I’ve been asked several times by peers, educators and mentors what it feels like to have such a distinction and I’ve never had a clear answer. The truth is that I don’t know how to feel. I vividly remember during a lecture at Shad UBC in 2023, one of my Program Directors Jess Tang gave a talk at the Sauder School of Business and she mentioned the Schulich Leader Scholarships and my fellow Shads and I that one of us could be one of the next Schulich Leaders. The thought of being named a Schulich Leader was unthinkable to me. Nonetheless, I wasted no time telling the people around me that I would be a Schulich Leader out of excitement for the opportunity. Some may call it ego but I consider it the purest form of self-confidence, an attribute essential to any form of success. The power of manifestation coupled with resilience is worth studying for anyone looking to accomplish arduous goals. These two traits have been essential to fulfil my goal of becoming a Schulich Leader.
Q: What motivates your passion for STEAM/Entrepreneurship?
My passion for STEAM and Entrepreneurship stems from a personality trait that all STEAM enthusiasts have: curiosity. I believe that the most important skill that is developed during Shad is the encouragement of inquiry. The foundation and basis of any STEAM career is rooted in the ability to ask questions and be curious enough to find answers to those questions. Technological inquisitiveness has been the driving force for my passion for engineering, technology and entrepreneurship. Growing up, I’ve always been shameless about asking questions and I’m grateful that I learned early on that there are no wrong questions when asked with genuine curiosity, there are only wrong responses. I’ve grown an obsession with asking questions and finding answers. Only a few years ago did I realize there was a name for this obsession, it’s called problem-solving.
Q: At Shad we are leaders in social innovation, how do you plan to use #STEAM4Good?
As a first-generation immigrant, my parents had very few connections in Canada. Growing up, I had to make contacts, find opportunities, and attend networking events to grow as a young professional. Hoping to help people going through the same problem, I decided to advocate for professional development opportunities around Ottawa. The simple act of advocating opportunities led to the creation of an initiative entitled Thrive. Thrive is an organization dedicated to connecting youth to professional development opportunities around Canada. Recently, we have partnered with local start-up companies to provide additional internship opportunities for students and young professionals to break into their careers. As we scale throughout Canada, currently Manitoba and Ontario, I have built a team of passionate youth to help with specific roles such as web development, marketing, and finance. I have experienced the difficulty of not having access to or not knowing the opportunities around me to grow as a young professional and I hope to provide the new generation of innovators the opportunities to reach their highest potential.
Q: What lessons would you share with incoming Shads?
Shad has been an essential part of my personal growth. I want to give my deepest gratitude to Shad UBC 2023, my peers, my mentors and my PAs for an unforgettable experience. To the incoming Shads, trust the process. I want you to hold this mantra in your mind as you enter the Shad community and venture beyond. I was constantly reminded of the saying “trust the process” by my Program Directors at Shad and while I initially shrugged off the generic and vague advice, throughout the program I began to understand the meaning behind the adage. When traversing through unknown territory and new experiences you’re faced with the most unexpected challenges and obstacles, it’s time to have your eyes wide open and be ready for any possibility. Focus on the journey towards something, whether it be a goal, a dream or Shad rather than the result. Have faith and confidence in the decisions you make, be fluid, be elastic, be adaptable and most importantly, trust the process.