Meet Adrian, Shad Alum and the Lifelong Leadership Institute Scholarship Recipient
Q: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Different people will tell you different things about me based on how they know me. My sports teammates might mention my athleticism and drive, my music classmates might talk about my skill on the piano, and my peers at school and in academic programs can tell you that I love to learn and am a bit of a nerd. This is because I have a lot of interests, and I believe this is due to the creativity and curiosity I’ve had since I was born. I love to learn and try new things, and I think that’s part of why I did so well at Shad. I’m never afraid of something new.
Q: What motivates your interest in STEAM and entrepreneurship?
I’ve always been curious, and I love to learn new things, discover, and I think that’s what STEAM is all about. I’m really fascinated by nature, and I’ve been concerned about issues like climate change since I was young. My biggest motivation for that and for my interest in STEAM and entrepreneurship is the prosperity of future generations. I imagine the world in which my children and their children will live, and I feel that it is my responsibility to make that world, as well as my own, a better place.
Q: What was your biggest takeaway from your Shad experience?
One of my biggest takeaways from Shad is that anyone can be an entrepreneur. Whether you have an idea and don’t know how to get it out there, or wish to get something out there but don’t have an idea, we can all be successful businesspeople. I’d never really considered entrepreneurship as a potential career, I always thought I’d stick purely to science. Shad, however, showed me that both can work together pretty well. My second biggest takeaway is that diversity is extremely important and useful. I met people at Shad who came from everywhere between the two coasts, who had different personalities and backgrounds and experiences. This resulted in a wide range of perspectives which contributed to the quality of the community relationship as well as that of our Design Entrepreneurship projects. Lastly, Shad made me realise just how important it is to live in the moment. If you’re always on your phone or preoccupied with things, you could miss the smallest, simplest, but most memorable moments. I remember vividly first landing in Kamloops at around 9 PM on Sunday, June 30 with 4 other Shads I’d connected with along the way, just as vividly as I remember leaving. It felt like forever while we were there but then all of a sudden, I’m back home, like it was all just a dream. This taught me to never give yourself the chance to regret not being in the moment.

Q: At Shad we are leaders in social innovation, how do you plan to use #STEAM4Good?
Q: What lessons would you share with incoming Shads?
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Everyone is in the same boat. Knowing this, I was able to find different people at Shad who were all like me in different ways. Second, BE IN THE MOMENT. You’re fortunate to be attending Shad, don’t take it for granted. If you go to Shad to just mess around and hang out, you’re going to regret not making the most out of it. That being said, you’re going to have an amazing time and meet some amazing people. Enjoy the time while you have it because Shad is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the month goes by much faster than you first expect. Honestly though, HAVE FUN. You did it, you made it into Shad! Be proud of yourself, enjoy your time, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there (your true, authentic self), and be in the moment.