Celebrating the Shad alum named 2023 Schulich Leaders – Albert Kalayil
Q: How does it feel to be named a Schulich Leader?
I am truly honoured to receive this prestigious scholarship, and I am grateful to my community, teachers, and family for helping me to develop into the person I have become. This scholarship will further motivate me to give back to the community and positively contribute to STEAM.
Q: What motivates your passion for STEAM/Entrepreneurship?
I am excited to see how I can contribute to STEAM in a way that will significantly impact society. This contribution could be in the form of developing cleaner, more efficient, innovative, and cost-effective technologies.
Q: At Shad we are leaders in social innovation, how do you plan to use #STEAM4Good?
I plan to use #STEAM4Good as a personal mission statement in navigating toward creative technologies and enhancing current technologies. For instance, I could look at developing more efficient solar panels, generators, transportation systems, or medical technologies… the possibilities are endless!
Q: What lessons would you share with incoming Shads?
Reflect on yourself and find what you are genuinely passionate about. Follow your passions and never lose sight of them. During times of adversity, your passions will be a motivator to develop your resilience further and aid you when you need guidance.