“Shad gave me the initial inkling that I can form a community of people like me and thrive, and since then the things I’ve done have been all about finding and working with the others. If you spend your life finding the others, and letting them find you, all of the things you want to happen can happen.”
Richard Harris, CEO & Founder, Intent Media Inc., Shad 1987
There are many ways Shads stay connected to the Shad experience as well as other Shad alumni.
Shad Alumni-Only Facebook Group
Shad Alumni-Only LinkedIn Group
Subscribe to the
Shad newsletter
Contact the Shad Network Director for reference letters and verifications
Download Shad alumni LinkedIn profile banner image
The Shad Network team regularly connects with Shads from all program years and all program campuses. They look for updates on Shad accomplishments and career paths, businesses started and sold (!), university selections, scholarships, awards and most importantly, how Shads are changing the world.
Shad provides opportunities to connect and engage in formal and informal ways through receptions, meet ups and events, and opportunities to participate in panels, roundtables and speaker events.
Coming soon!
Upcoming Shad Alumni Events
Check back next month
Thought Leadership Opportunities
Check back next month