Elissa Gelleny
Director, Digital Programs
As Shad’s Director, Digital Programs, Elissa provides leadership and oversight of Shad’s digital programs. Alongside the National Programs Team, Elissa works with partners from within and beyond educational institutions to provide highly intentional and meaningful online opportunities for Canada’s youth.
Elissa’s years of educational experience in grades K-12 have fostered in her a passion for learning that matches Shad’s mission to explore innovative approaches to education and creatively imagine the future of learning.
Elissa holds a BSc in Biology with minors in Women Studies, Mathematics, and English from Mount Allison University, and a BEd conjoint with a Technology Education Diploma from Memorial University. When she is not at Shad, you might find her crocheting a hyperbolic plane, completing an open-water swim, or playing a board game with friends and family.