Social wellness
@ Shad Unplugged

Back by popular demand we are offering Shad Unplugged campuses.
Live on campus and explore dorm-life, campus-life, and get hands-on STEAM training in a fully engaged community without the distractions of social media
The Unplugged program limits access to social media outside of Shad, allowing the community to have more connection time together. Trade in your smart phone for a basic phone and enjoy the on-campus experience with less distraction and more presence. Laptops and learning tech are always welcome at Shad campuses – this program limits social apps to promote social wellness and participant connection. We are looking for trailblazers that are willing to jump into a new level of social wellness and step into a broader one-month challenge.
In 2024 we ran two Unplugged campuses.
Hear what folks had to say:
“Going “Unplugged” and getting rid of the distraction helped to cultivate the bonding and sense of community that is so crucial for the personal growth we see in the program…and I believe it's one of the cornerstones of the Shad program, teaching youth how to build effective, collaborative communities together.”
– Rob Gorbet
Shad Program Director, University of Waterloo
"Unplugged necessitated interaction. I felt as though I truly could approach anybody on campus, and I would be able to have their full attention in a one-on-one conversation. Unplugged forced me to learn to be alone with myself, without distractions, and helped build my discipline, and work ethic. If we had phones, I do not believe that the level of connection we achieved would have been possible.”
– Michael Field
Shad2024, Millbrook, ON
Shad Alum Gabriella Kadiri shares insights from her Shad Unplugged experience in this Q&A:
Disconnect and jump into a broader Shad experience
Apply for the Shad Unplugged option in our application
Learn more about the Shad Unplugged option
Note: The number of campuses offering Shad Unplugged will be determined by the demand from accepted applicants