Zane Frantzen
Pretty River Academy,
Collingwood, Ontario
Q: How did you feel when you received the news?
A: Really excited of course, not just because of the scholarship but also because of the networking opportunities that are about to open up.
Q: How significant is it for you personally to become a Loran Scholar?
A: I see it as a great honour to be selected as one of the 34 because there was such a large pool of candidates initially. It opens up a whole new set of opportunities – whether this is through the Loran network, mentorship program or internships.
Q: What are you hoping to do? Do you have a
A: I’m moving ahead with a career path in entrepreneurship. I plan to study Electrical and Computer Engineering with the possibility of completing an MBA after that. One thing I want to do more of is community outreach related to STEM and helping students get into roles and situations where they can flourish, like SHAD. The STEM exposure at SHAD helped me earn the scholarship, and I want to pass on my experience to encourage others to feel the same confidence.
Q: How did your SHAD Fellow experience prepare you for the Loran selections? Did being a SHAD Fellow come up in your application or in your interview?
A: Not only was I able to say I was a SHAD Fellow – which is now recognizable in the community – but in the
Q: What was your biggest takeaway from SHAD?
A: SHAD helped me gain business knowledge and skills I was lacking and reaffirmed my decision to pursue a career path in innovation and business. I know I will always have the SHAD network to rely upon when I need it.
Q: SHAD now has 88 Loran scholars…What does that say to you and what should it say to others about the value of SHAD?
A: It says something really great about the SHAD program. It shows how well it acts as a preparatory program for the future. It shows the high